PM-JAY ( Ayushman Bharat Yojana )

PM-JAY ( Ayushman Bharat Yojana ) Considered as one of the greatest medical care plans on the planet, Ayushman Bharat Yojana means to cover in excess of 50 crore Indian residents. It is planned particularly for the monetarily more fragile segments of the country.

PM-JAY ( Ayushman Bharat Yojana )

The PMJAY was sent off in September 2018 giving medical coverage PLAN of a greatest total guaranteed measure of Rs.5 lakh. The public authority health care coverage conspire covers the greater part of the clinical treatment costs, medications, diagnostics and pre-hospitalization costs. Furthermore, the plan offers credit only hospitalization administrations through the Ayushman Bharat Yojana e-card which you can use to get medical care administrations at any of the empanelled clinics the nation over. Recipients of the plan can benefit hospitalization for fundamental treatment by showing their PMJAY e-card.

PM-JAY ( Ayushman Bharat Yojana ) Outline

  • Name of the Scheme                                                         Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana

(Stomach muscle PM-JAY) or Ayushman  Bharat Public

Wellbeing Security Plan (NHPS)

  • Kind of venture                                                                   Health care coverage
  • Begun By                                                                            Prime Priest Shri Narendra Modi
  • Country                                                                               India
  • Ministry                                                                               Ministry of Wellbeing and Family Government assistance
  • Launched                                                                            23 September; quite a while back
  • All out Number of Ayushman Cards Gave                         Until Now     21,40,17,608 (as of 21st December 2022)
  • Complete Number of Medical clinic Affirmations               Until Now   4,23,59,252 (as of 21st December 2022)
  • Complete Number of Enlisted Families                           Over Ten Crore
  • Budget                                                                                   ₹8,088 crore (US$1.0 billion) (2021-22) [1]
  • Status                                                                                 Active
  • Website                                                                    
  • Helpline Numbers                                                              1800-111-565 or 14555
  • Address                                                                              National Wellbeing Authority of India, third, seventh and

ninth Floor, Pinnacle L, Jeevan            Bharati Building,

Connaught Spot, New Delhi – 110001


PM-JAY ( Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan) Qualification Standards for Country and Metropolitan Populace:

PM-JAY plot has been sent off to cover the base 40% of poor and monetarily more vulnerable segments of the country. This depended on the hardship and word related standards of the Financial Rank Statistics 2011 for rustic and metropolitan regions. The Ayushman Bharat Yojana Qualification is planned with pre-conditions so just the oppressed individuals of the general public advantage from the drive.

       PMJAY Country: 

The Financial Position Enumeration 2011 (SECC 2011) includes the positioning of families in view of their financial status. The provincial families are positioned in light of their status of seven hardship measures. Of these, the plan covers all recipients who fall under somewhere around one of under six hardship classifications and naturally incorporates desperate, manual scrounger families, living through aid, crude ancestral gathering, fortified workers:

  • Families with only one room with Kucha walls and rooftop.
  • No grown-up part in the age bunch somewhere in the range of 16 and 59 years.
  • No grown-up male part in the age bunch somewhere in the range of 16 and 59 years.
  • Crippled part and no-abled bodied part in the family.
  • SC and ST
  • Landless families and significant kinds of revenue are through manual relaxed work.


       PMJAY Metropolitan:

 Under the plan, metropolitan families are arranged in view of occupation. The following are 11word related classes of laborers who are qualified for the Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan:

  • Bum
  • Homegrown laborer
  • Ragpicker
  • Shoemaker/Road Seller/Peddler/Other specialist co-ops in the city.
  • Handyman/Development Specialist/Bricklayer/Painter/Work/Welder/Safety officer/Coolie
  • Sweeper/Mali/Disinfection Specialist
  • Craftsman/Handiworks Laborer/Designer/Locally situated Specialist
  • Driver/Transport Laborer/Guide/Truck or Cart Pullers/Partner to Drivers or Guides
  • Shop Laborers/Peon in Little Foundation/Aide/Partner/Specialist/Conveyance Colleague/Server
  • Specialist/Electrical expert/Fix Laborer/Constructing agent
  • Chowkidar/Washer-man

PM-JAY ( Ayushman Bharat Yojana )


What is Covered Under Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan?

With the goal to give open medical services to poor people and penniless, the Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan offers inclusion of up to Rs.5 lakh per family each year for optional and tertiary hospitalization care. The medical coverage under Stomach muscle PMJAY incorporates hospitalization expenses of recipients and incorporates the beneath parts:

  • Clinical assessment, counsel and treatment.
  • Pre-hospitalization.
  • Non-serious and concentrated care administrations.
  • Medication and clinical consumables.
  • Analytic and lab administrations.
  • Convenience.
  • Clinical embed administrations, at every possible opportunity.
  • Food administrations.
  • Complexity emerging during treatment.
  • Post-hospitalization costs for as long as 15 days.
  • Coronavirus (Covid) treatment.


What isn’t Covered Under Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan?

Like different sorts of medical coverage strategies, the Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan has a few prohibitions. Beneath parts are not covered under the plan:

  • Out-Patient Division (OPD) costs.
  • Drug recovery.
  • Restorative medical procedures.
  • Richness medicines.
  • Individual diagnostics.
  • Organ relocate.


Elements of Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan:

Here are the remarkable elements and key features of the Ayushman Bharat Yojana (आयुष्मान भारत योजना) conspire, otherwise called PMJAY:

  • It is one of the world’s biggest health care coverage plans supported by the public authority of India.
  • Inclusion of Rs.5 lakh per family per annum for auxiliary and tertiary consideration across open and confidential medical clinics.
  • Roughly 50 crore recipients (north of 10 crore poor and weak entitled families) are qualified for the plan.
  • Credit only hospitalization.
  • Conceals to 3 days of pre-hospitalization costs like drugs and diagnostics.
  • Conceals to 15 days of post-hospitalization costs which incorporate medications and diagnostics.
  • No limitation on the family size, orientation or age.
  • Can benefit administrations the nation over at any of the empanelled public and confidential emergency clinics.
  • All previous circumstances covered from the very beginning.
  • The plan incorporates 1,393 operations.
  • Incorporates costs for indicative administrations, drugs, room charges, doctor’s expenses, specialist charges, supplies, ICU and OT charges.
  • Public medical clinics are repaid at standard with private emergency clinics.


Benefits and Benefits of Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan:

  • The Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan, or Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), is explicitly intended to help the defenseless and oppressed areas of society. Here are the vital benefits and advantages of PMJAY:
  • It covers all hospitalization costs with credit only exchanges to recipients.
  • Accommodation during hospitalization.
  • Pre and post-hospitalization costs.
  • Any confusions emerging during the treatment.
  • Can be utilized by all relatives.
  • No cap on family size, age or orientation.
  • Pre-existing circumstances are incorporated from the very beginning.


Rundown of Basic Sicknesses or Diseases Covered Under Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan:


  • The clinical consideration conspire broadened inclusion for in excess of 1300 clinical bundles at empanelled public and confidential emergency clinics in the country. The following are a portion of the basic illnesses covered under the Ayushman Bharat Yojana:
  • Twofold valve substitution.
  • Prostate disease
  • Coronary supply route sidestep unite.
  • Coronavirus.
  • Pneumonic valve substitution.
  • Skull base a medical procedure.
  • Foremost spine obsession.
  • Laryngopharyngectomy with gastric draw up
  • Tissue expander for distortion following consumes.
  • Carotid angioplasty with stent.


Who Isn’t Qualified for Benefit the Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan?


  • The following is the rundown of individuals who are not qualified for benefit medical care administrations under the plan:
  • The individuals who have automated cultivating gear.
  • Who possesses a two, three or four-wheeler.
  • The individuals who hold a Kisan card.
  • Government representatives.
  • The people who own a mechanized fishing boat.
  • The people who are acquiring more than Rs.10,000 each month.
  • The people who are working in government-run non-agrarian ventures.
  • The individuals who own in excess of 5 sections of land of farming area.
  • The people who own landline telephones or fridges.
  • The people who live in appropriately constructed houses.


PM-JAY Enlistment Cycle:

  • The plan is a privilege-based drive sent off by the public authority of India for poor people and the revered areas of the general public. Consequently there is no enrolment interaction. Recipients are chosen in light of the SECC 2011 and who are important for the RSBY plan. Assuming you might want to be aware on the off chance that you are qualified for the plan, follow these means:
  • Stage 1: Visit the public authority site restrictive for PMJAY conspire ( and click on “Am I Qualified” symbol.
  • Stage 2: Enter your contact subtleties and produce OTP.
  • Stage 3: Pick your state.
  • Stage 4: Presently, search either by your name, versatile number, HHD number or your proportion card number.
  • Stage 5: The outcome will inform you as to whether you are qualified for the PMJAY conspire.

Likewise, you can contact the Ayushman Bharat Yojana client care at 1800-111-565 or 14555 or you can connect with any of the Empanelled Medical services Suppliers (EHCP).


Reports Expected to Apply for Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan:

The following is the rundown of records expected to apply for PMJAY conspire:

  • Personality and Age Confirmation (Aadhaar Card/Container Card)
  • Subtleties of your portable number, email address and private location.
  • Position authentication
  • Pay endorsement
  • Reports expressing your ongoing family status.


How To Apply Online for Ayushman Bharat Yojana?


The plan was sent off by the public authority of India to take care of the medical services needs of the weak areas of the populace. With regards to the essential necessities of the plan, it doesn’t have an enrolment cycle. To apply online for Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan, you really want to see whether you are a recipient of the plan. The following is the cycle to figure out you are qualified for the Ayushman Bharat Yojana Enrollment:

  • Stage 1: Visit the selective site for PMJAY ( click on the “Am I Qualified” symbol.
  • Stage 2: Information your contact subtleties and snap on “Create OTP”.
  • Step 3: Now, select your state and search by your name, mobile number, HHD number or your ration card number.
  • Step 4: You can view if you are eligible for the government healthcare scheme.


How To Download Ayushman Bharat Yojana Card on the web?

 To guarantee credit only, paperless and versatile exchanges through the PM-JAY conspire, the Ayushman Bharat Yojana Brilliant Card will be given to recipients. The PMJAY e-card contains all necessary data of the patient. It is required to introduce this card at the hour of profiting the treatment at the empanelled emergency clinic.

To get this PMJAY Brilliant Card, follow the cycle underneath:

  • Stage 2: Enter the ‘Manual human test Code’ to produce the OTP.
  • Stage 3: Settle on the HHD code.
  • Stage 4: Give the HHD code to the Normal Help Place (CSC), where they would check the HHD code and different subtleties.
  • Stage 5: The CSC agents who are known as Ayushman Mitra will finish the remainder of the cycle.
  • Stage 6: You should pay Rs.30 to get the Ayushman Bharat card.


PMJAY Plan: Coronavirus Inclusion

To empower recipients to profit the Coronavirus inclusion the Protection Administrative and Improvement Authority (IRDAI) has given a warning to all wellbeing and general insurance agency to cover Coronavirus (Covid) hospitalization and treatment costs. The PMJAY or the Ayushman Bharat Yojana Plan covers Coronavirus treatment and hospitalization.

Coronavirus patients can benefit free treatment at empanelled emergency clinics through the PMJAY plot. Guarantee you are a recipient of the public authority financed Ayushman Bharat Plan.


How To Check the Name in the PMJAY Rundown 2023?

To check in the event that your name is in the PMJAY list 2020, you can actually take a look at it through changed techniques. They are:

  1. Common Assistance Place (CSC): Visit the closest CSCs or you can visit any of the empanelled clinics to check assuming that you are qualified for the medical care conspire.
  2. Helpline Numbers: PMJAY helpline numbers are accessible to get data about your qualification for the plan. You can contact 14555 or 1800-111-565.
  3. Online: Visit the authority site of the plan and check assuming you are qualified for the plan.


Clinical Bundles:

As a recipient of the plan, families, too as people, can benefit almost 25 specialities, which include:

  • Cardiology
  • Oncology
  • Nervous system science
  • Pediatrics
  • Coronavirus
  • Muscular health


Kindly note that clinical and careful costs can’t be repaid all the while. Additionally, in the event that there are different medical procedures, in the main occurrence the medical procedure with the greatest expense will be paid. For the subsequent you will get half and the for the third it will be 25%

The PMJAY plot doesn’t think about prior ailments as it goes under the monstrous plan presented by the public authority of India.


Hospitalization Cycle in Ayushman Bharat Plan (PMJAY):

Any of your relatives or you require hospitalization, you really want not pay anything under the PMJAY plot subject to being conceded in any of the empanelled public or confidential medical clinics. The whole course of hospitalization and treatment is credit only since there is a 60:40 expense dividing among the middle and the state, individually.

As a recipient, you will get the Ayushman wellbeing card which will empower you to benefit credit only treatment and hospitalization. With the brilliant card, you can profit the advantages of the plan at any of the empanelled public and confidential medical clinics.


PMJAY Clinic Rundown:

To figure out the Ayushman Bharat clinic list, follow the underneath moves toward figure out the PMJAY medical clinic list:

  • Stage 1: Visit the authority site of the
  • Stage 2: Select your state and the region.
  • Stage 3: Presently, pick the sort of emergency clinic (public/private-for-benefit/private and not so much for benefit)
  • Stage 4: Pick the clinical speciality you are searching for.
  • Stage 5: Enter the “Manual human test Code” and snap on search.


You will be diverted to the rundown of Ayushman Bharat Yojana clinics alongside address, site and contact data. You can likewise check the ‘Suspended Clinic Rundown’ on a similar connection gave previously.


PMJAY Complementary Number and Address:

The following is the complementary number and address of the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana:

Complementary Number:



Public Wellbeing Authority of India, third, seventh and ninth Floor, Pinnacle L, Jeevan Bharati Building, Connaught Spot, New Delhi – 110001

Complaint Portal:

In instance of complaints, you can visit PMJAY Complaint area and register your complaint. You can likewise actually look at the situation with your complaint on a similar entryway.

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