Top 10 Maternity Insurance Plans in India 2024-25

Maternity insurance offers comprehensive coverage for medical expenses incurred during pregnancy, including the cost of delivery, hospitalization, pre & post-natal care, medical tests, medicines and newborn baby expenses. A maternity insurance policy helps women financially prepare for growing a baby, as pregnancy is an expensive affair.

maternity insurance

What is Maternity Insurance?

Maternity insurance is a type of health insurance policy that offers coverage for all pregnancy-related expenses, including normal and C-section delivery costs. Most insurance companies cover pre & post-natal expenses and newborn baby expenses under their maternity insurance policy. Moreover, most corporates offer maternity benefits as part of their health insurance policy or as a rider to their women employees.

All maternity insurance plans in India come with a waiting period, ranging from a minimum of 9 months to a maximum of 6 years. During this period, the insured women cannot claim any pregnancy-related expenses. Therefore, women are advised to opt for a maternity insurance cover for at least a few years before starting a family. Moreover, they must check the maternity insurance waiting period before buying any policy, as it may vary from plan to plan.

Inclusions of Maternity Insurance Plans

A maternity insurance plan includes :

Stem cell preservation

Pregnancy complications

Pre or post-natal care expenses

Newborn baby expenses

Newbaby’s vaccination expenses

Medically necessary pregnancy termination expenses

In-patient hospitalization expenses

Delivery expenses

C-section delivery

Exclusions of Maternity Insurance Plans

The following expenses are excluded from a maternity insurance policy:


Regular check-up

Pre-hospitalization expenses

Post-hospitalization expenses

Medical tests and consultation before delivery

Hospital cash benefit

Ectopic pregnancy

Best Maternity Insurance Plans Available in India

  • Aditya Birla Active Fit Plan

The Aditya Birla Active Fit plan offers maternity expenses coverage under Preferred variants. Which accepts claims up to 2 pregnancy, including delivery and abortion in the insured’s lifetime.

 Plan Features & Benefits:

It covers normal delivery and C-section delivery

 It also covered Pre-natal and post-natal expenses

Coverage of Newborn baby treatment and vaccination expenses

 Coverage of Stem cell preservation is also available


  • Bajaj Allianz Health Guard Plan

The Bajaj Allianz Health Guard plan covers maternity and newborn baby expenses under its Gold and Platinum titles. This plan allows a maximum of two deliveries or termination throughout the policy lifetime of the insured woman.

 Plan Features & Benefits:

Normal and caesarean deliveries are covered

Pre-natal and post-natal expenses available

 Coverage of Post-delivery complications

Newly born child cover is also available

Termination of pregnancy is also covered


  • Care Joy Maternity Insurance Plan

This maternity plan has been designed to cover the maternity health services of pregnant women. The plan offers maternity expenses as well as newborn baby treatment expenses.

Plan Features & Benefits:

Coverage of Newborn baby treatment available

 Coverage of Treatment for newborn baby defects

Coverage Pre-natal expenses and post-natal expenses

Maternity expenses coverage are available

Pre-policy medical check-up is not required


  • Cholamandalam Flexi Health Supreme Plan

The Chola Flexi Health Supreme plan covers maternity expenses under its Plus and Premiere alternatives. This coverage is only available for two deliveries or  lawful terminations.

 Plan Features & Benefits:

Coverage of Delivery expenses for normal and caesarean procedures

Coverage of Newborn baby treatment

Cost of newborn baby expenses is covered

Coverage for infertility treatment

Termination of pregnancy is covered



  • Digit Health Care Plus Policy

This health policy offers maternity benefit and newborn baby cover as an optional benefit. It comes with unlimited lawful and medically necessary pregnancy terminations also.

 Plan Features & Benefits:

Coverage of Medical expenses incurred on delivery of a newborn baby

 Coverage of Newborn baby available, coverage of vaccination also available.

 Coverage of treatment expenses for any pregnancy complications

Termination of pregnancy  coverage also are available


  • Future Generali Health Absolute Plan

This is a comprehensive plan that covers of pregnancy medical expenses. The Future Generali Health Absolute Plan

 plan offers additional coverage of Rs 10,000 in case a girl child is born.

Plan Features & Benefits:

Normal delivery and caesarean delivery  coverage are available

 Coverage of Pre-natal and post-natal hospitalization expenses

 Coverage of newborn baby treatment and vaccination

Coverage of miscarriage and termination of pregnancy

 It also covers infertility treatment


HDFC ERGO my: health Suraksha Plan

The HDFC ERGO my: health Suraksha plan offers maternity coverage for mother and infant baby under Parent & Child Care Cover – Basic and Parent & Child Care Cover – Booster as optional covers. It also comes with the option to reduce the maternity benefit waiting period from 4 years to 2 years.

Plan features & Benefits:

Coverage of medical expenses incurred on normal and caesarean deliveries

Pre-natal and post-natal OPD expenses coverage.

Treatment of the newborn baby and vaccination expenses are covered

Termination of pregnancy is also available

Infertility treatment is also covered


Kotak Mahindra Health Premier Plan

This plan offers comprehensive coverage for medical expenses incurred during pregnancy. The coverage is available up to two deliveries during the policy lifetime.

Plan Features & Benefits:

Both normal and caesarean delivery expenses are covered

Coverage of newborn baby treatments

Pre-natal and post-natal expenses are available

Coverage of Vaccination expenses of the newborn baby for two years


Liberty Health Prime Connect Plan

The Liberty Health Prime Connect plan covers maternity and child care expenses under its Optimum and Optimum Plus variants. However, this maternity insurance cover is available under family floater plans only.

Features & Benefits:

Coverage for normal and C-sec deliveries  both

Pre-natal and post-natal charges are covered

Newborn baby cover and umbilical cord stem cell banking allowance also covered.

Coverage Cost of newborn baby screening expenses

 Coverage of Infertility treatment

Coverage of Newborn baby vaccination expenses for 3 years



Magma HDI One Health Insurance Plan

This Insurance plan offers maternity benefit as an in-built cover under the Premium alternatives and as an add-on cover for other alternatives too. However, this facility is available under family floater plans only.

Plan Features & Benefits:

 Coverage of In-patient delivery expenses

Abortion and miscarriage coverage are available

Coverage of newborn baby treatment and first-year vaccination expenses

It also covers IVF treatment


Frequently asked Questions:


What is the purpose of maternity insurance?

Insurance assists with safeguarding you and your family against unforeseen monetary expenses and coming about obligations or the gamble of losing your resources.


What are the advantages of maternity benefit?

Any lady on maternity leave is qualified for get the whole compensation for the time of leave and health advantages, consequently giving her monetary security. Managers can’t excuse or terminate ladies workers simply because of pregnancy or when they are on maternity leave, in this manner giving employer stability during pregnancy.


What number of maternity benefits?

Term of leave: You are qualified for 105 days of maternity leave whether or not you conceived an offspring by means of caesarian segment or regular conveyance. You may likewise be qualified for 30 extra long periods of leave without pay, dependent upon specific circumstances



What is the limit of maternity insurance?

Inclusion and Sub-limits: Most insurance agency offer restricted maternity inclusion, running between Rs 15,000 to Rs 50,000, with a couple of offering inclusions as high as Rs. 1 lakh.


Can I claim 3 maternity insurance?


In any case, one ought to take note of that the qualification measures will generally change for various guarantors. Most insurance agency offer maternity inclusion for up to two conveyances as it were. Check with the safety net provider while purchasing the approach for additional agreements.


When to apply for maternity insurance?

The maternity insurance holding up period goes from 9 to two years, contingent upon the arrangement. It implies you can guarantee the approach just once the holding up period closes. None of the cases is permissible during the holding up period. Thus, if you need to design a family one year from now, get pregnancy protection ahead of time to receive its rewards.


Is maternity protection accessible without holding up period?

Tragically, there is no Maternity Advantage Cover with Nothing or No holding up period. The length of this holding up period, notwithstanding, could change from 9 months to 6 years across protection suppliers.


Can I take maternity insurance if already pregnant?

Most insurance agency don’t give maternity protection assuming you are now pregnant. This is on the grounds that they think about your pregnancy as a prior condition and is past the strategy cover.


Are NICU charges shrouded in protection?

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Charges


Certain ailments could require NICU care for infants. A specific protection plan offers inclusion for NICU costs, guaranteeing that your child gets the best consideration without stressing over high hospital expenses.


How would I add an infant to my insurance?


Anything that plan you pick, contact your organization’s HR office to enlist your child, Gross exhorts. Tell them you just had a child and that you might want to add them to your arrangement.


How would I add my child name to my medical coverage?

You want to illuminate your representative or insurance agency, fill a recommended structure and connect the birth declaration of infant, alongside NEFT/check/DD of the expanded charge sum. Holding up Period – Infant isn’t covered until 90 days, because of the great measure of hazard implied in health related crises.


Is baby vaccination covered by insurance in India?

The most direct arrangement here is to put resources into health care coverage. Assuming that you are wondering whether kid vaccination is covered by your insurance contract, the response is ‘Yes’


Is baby vaccination covered by national insurance?

The organization will repay the protected, in regard to costs caused for vaccination of youngsters (as long as 12 years), up as far as possible referenced in the Table of Advantages, gave the kids are covered under the policy



 Maternity insurance is a crucial monetary defend to assist with overseeing pregnancy-related hospital costs. It can help you by giving thorough inclusion to your maternity-related hospitalization costs, pre and post-natal consideration, and charges for conveyance techniques.

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